If there is a will, there is a way. Building for volleyball.

Objective. Dig holes, lay out the land for a outdoor Volleyball court. Utilize recycled materials to create Volleyball posts. Let the kids help.

Here I’ve posted a few in the process pictures of Adam and I working on creating the two posts to put into the ground for the volleyball net to hang on. We needed to create holes deep enough but not too wide so he gave me his machete to dig with. Standard volleyball net posts for men are about 2.5 meters or 8 feet, international womens volleyball Height is around 7 feet. So this will work out great.

I felt that for the kids and playing outdoor on a uneven playing field it would be better for them to learn on something a little lower. So we created it to be around 7 feet so that girls could enjoy also.

Drewmanity-tanzania-volleyball Drewmanity-tanzania-volleyball-netsetup

making the volleyball net posts, and digging holes.

making the volleyball net posts, and digging holes.

Where is Tanzania?

Have a look at the globe I have displayed. It is in East Africa. This is where ill spend about three weeks working with kids in a rural community up in the hills of Arusha Tanzania. I have Committed to help a school and orphanage set up a sports program and to teach volleyball.

tanzania on the globe

where in the world is Tanzania you ask?

Into the wild with the big five, Serengeti National Park

If you have ever dreamed of seeing animals in the wild, this is your time to make that dream come true. Put a check on that bucket list and get your Safari gear on. Famously known for the incredible migration of millions of beautiful wild animals that trek across the open plains of the Serengeti, this area hosts a cornucopia of species, flora and fauna. It would be a safari sin for you to forget your camera. Bring extra sunscreen and batteries. You wouldn’t want to miss that leopard in the tree or the birth of a Rhino. Choose what area you want to visit as this massive thriving ecosystem spans the desert landscapes of the northwestern territory of Tanzania and southern Kenya. According to Lota Melamari, The
Director of
 Tanazania National Parks says, “The Serengeti region encompasses the Serengeti National Park itself, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Maswa Game Reserve, the Loliondo, Grumeti and Ikorongo Controlled Areas and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.” Oh yeah, remember to keep your eyes out for the BIG FIVE: The Lion, Leopard, Cape Buffalo, Elephant and the Rhino. Although The Rhinos may be the rarest of the bunch, the Leopards are the hardest to find, typically hiding up in the tree lines.


We’ve heard it all before..” I’ve always wanted to go to Africa”? Who says that? Lots of people do. But Africa is not a country it’s a huge continent with many countries. So saying you want to go to Africa is like saying you want to go to the ocean. It is too vague. Which part?

I too am guilty of not knowing right away, I did my research recently and came up with Tanzania and a stop through in Ethiopia.  I plan on staying a couple weeks to volunteer. I will have confirmation in the next week. Then I plan on visiting India, and a few more countries on my way east around the world. Each country I plan to volunteer my time and resources. Come what may for a wonderful future.

Shots shots shots. Rabies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus, and Typhus

This is about to get difficult. Hmmmmmm…
I just left the doctors office with a few shots but not all of them that I hoped to get. What I did not realize and what I hope to inform other potential travelers is that the Rabies, the Hepatitis A, and the Hepatitis B shots need to be distributed over three different time periods.  I’ll have to go to another doctor in another country and obtain a second and a third dosage of those shots.
The doctor

World Health Org., International Certificate of Vaccination

World Health Org., International Certificate of Vaccination

said I could come back to visit them in two weeks for the next installments however I am ready to move out as I told my volleyball manager that I’d be leaving Germany in a week .

So since I’m not able to go to Tanzania or India without a Yellow fever shot or Malaria tablets then there is only one other option, travel a little through Europe before I go. That way I will be able to see some places that were on my list of places to see and things to do, while I am waiting for the time period to get the next shots.

Today I received these shots:
  • ·         Tetanus– A one time shot
  • ·         Typhus- A one time shot
  • ·         Rabies– One of three shots: 1st is done then the next is in 14 days, then the
    next in 28-30 days.
  • ·         Hepatitis A, & Hepatitis B: The 1st I done then next ones are in a month on
    June 18th, then again  between 7-12 months later for my final. I will be
    protected for ten years.

With that said hopefully in the next month I will be getting a yellow fever shot and picking up some malaria tablets and getting my body used to the medications. Now I need to plan where to go.